Sunday, June 16, 2013

Three months from today...

...I will officially be in Dublin.The flight has been booked and it's all starting to come together. It's crazy to think that I will be beginning another journey and starting all over again. This seems to have happened many times since graduating high school. While it can be hard at first, the constant changes have brought me some of the best friends and memories in just two short years. Now that my study abroad is coming up so close, I need to try to blog more consistently. I will create a new and separate blog for my adventures in Dublin, but I need to try to post more on here to get used to blogging a lot. Try being the key word, as I am far busier than I thought i would be this summer. I can't believe that my study abroad experience is just around the corner. I remember when I toured colleges in high school and they would ask who wanted to study abroad during college. Some times I rose my hand., sometimes I didn't. When I started college I was pretty sure I wanted to study abroad, but the where and when were all up in the air. Then the next thing I knew it was second semester of sophomore year and I'd picked a program and applied. Travel is something I truly love and have a passion for in life, and I could not be more excited to start the experience of a lifetime. I am so lucky to be able to have this opportunity and will make the most of it. It will be exciting, scary, thrilling, eye opening, and an adventure.

Since I will be seeing the world, the best thing to do is capture all the memories in photos. I have a regular point and shoot and wanted to see how well it would do for photography abroad. I decided to take some photos around my current city of Boston, which is a popular travel destination itself. Below are some of the photos I took and I hope to have many more to come in Ireland.

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