Monday, June 18, 2012

" A day without laughter is a day wasted."

I am a firm believer in the title of this post. Laughter really is the best medicine, and the cure for anything. Personally, I laugh at everything, and feel that there is so much in life to laugh and smile about, that you should do it every day. Laugh at something online, a tv show, the odd things that occur in everyday life, or at best, with friends and those you love. Laughter helps to bring people together, and is the shortest distance between two people. If you can laugh with someone, you can have a great relationship. The sound of laughter can ease any situation. If your like me, your laugh might also make other people laugh too. This post is just a reminder to never take life too seriously, and to always laugh, as it will make you feel better, look better, and make you more approachable.

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And now a few things that might make you laugh:

library pun love for Valentine's Day

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