Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Necessary for life, eaten by all, loved by many. Food has to power to bring people together, to fuel the body and soul, and to bring all of the senses together. This summer I have been doing a lot of cooking for myself, and I have to say, I've impressed myself. While I'm by no means making four course dinners, I do make a mean omelette and my homemade pizza isn't bad either. I've been trying to make things myself instead of buying them as a normally would, and decided that a fun summer treat to make would be popsicles. Popsicles are easy to make and a great dessert on a hot summer night.

I made watermelon popsicles in my first attempt. I've listed the recipe below, but you can always add or subtract what you like!

Watermelon popsicles.

What you need:
-popsicle mold
-watermelon-cut into small pieces
- sugar (about a teaspoon, add more or less as desired)
- water (a splash, or if you must measure, about a tablespoon)

Put all ingredients together in a blender. Blend until a smooth puree is formed. Pour into mold, filling up as high as possible. Let sit for at least 12 hours. Enjoy :)

The finished product!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Three months from today...

...I will officially be in Dublin.The flight has been booked and it's all starting to come together. It's crazy to think that I will be beginning another journey and starting all over again. This seems to have happened many times since graduating high school. While it can be hard at first, the constant changes have brought me some of the best friends and memories in just two short years. Now that my study abroad is coming up so close, I need to try to blog more consistently. I will create a new and separate blog for my adventures in Dublin, but I need to try to post more on here to get used to blogging a lot. Try being the key word, as I am far busier than I thought i would be this summer. I can't believe that my study abroad experience is just around the corner. I remember when I toured colleges in high school and they would ask who wanted to study abroad during college. Some times I rose my hand., sometimes I didn't. When I started college I was pretty sure I wanted to study abroad, but the where and when were all up in the air. Then the next thing I knew it was second semester of sophomore year and I'd picked a program and applied. Travel is something I truly love and have a passion for in life, and I could not be more excited to start the experience of a lifetime. I am so lucky to be able to have this opportunity and will make the most of it. It will be exciting, scary, thrilling, eye opening, and an adventure.

Since I will be seeing the world, the best thing to do is capture all the memories in photos. I have a regular point and shoot and wanted to see how well it would do for photography abroad. I decided to take some photos around my current city of Boston, which is a popular travel destination itself. Below are some of the photos I took and I hope to have many more to come in Ireland.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Some may call it running from your problems, I call it chasing my dreams.

I left for college in Boston in the fall of 2011. Almost two years later and I haven't been home for more than a few weeks at a time since then. It's weird, this change. All of my friends have returned home every break and every summer, while instead I have stayed in the city. I see all of them continuing to hang out and go to all our favorite places, and it makes me sad. While I love my life in Boston, I sometimes feel that I'm missing out on old friendships back home. When I came to Boston, I knew the city was the place for me. People told me I wouldn't like actually living in the city as opposed to visiting it, but boy have a proved them wrong. Not only did I explore the city every weekend freshman year, but I ended up loving it so much I stayed the summer after my first year of college. I rarely visit home because other than family and a few friends, I feel that my hometown has very little left to offer me. I believe I took full advantage and did my best with everything I could while in the hometown, but once I left I knew I wouldn't be coming back much. It's sad that I don't get to see my friends from home as often, while they continue to grow closer and hang out a lot and I sometimes go months without talking to them. While this is slightly depressing, the best part is that when we do get together every few months, it's like nothing has changed. Whether it be them visiting me in Boston, or us hanging out at each others houses like we used to, we continue to have a good time. So while I am missing out on the last summers of freedom we'll have together, I think the friendships and opportunities in Boston are even greater. My hometown will always be my hometown, but Boston has become my new home. As I prepare to head to Dublin in the fall, I can only begin to imagine how things will change yet again.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

What are we waiting for?

Every Monday we wake up and wish it was Friday. Every cold winter day we wish for the warm days of spring and summer. When we're missing someone we wish we could be with them. It seems like we're never truly satisfied in life and always waiting for the next big thing to happen. Why don't we enjoy the current moment and stop wishing we were somewhere in the future? While the best things are often the things we wait for the longest and will create the memories we'll hold on to forever, enjoying and cherishing the every day is a rare skill that more people should try to master in life. As I stumbled across the text above on Pinterest, it made me think about how much waiting we do in life and our constant desire and longing for something in the future. We need to learn to live more in the present. This includes myself also, as I am always looking forward to something in the future. While it is great to have things to look forward too, we should not let those things stop us from taking every day as a blessing and finding the joy in the simple things.I spent most of my teenage years waiting to go to college and waiting to move the the city. Then it all finally happened, and suddenly there was not big thing to look forward to. I try to enjoy every day because you never know when it will be your last. As I spend this summer anticipating my study abroad to Ireland in the fall, I have to remember to enojy the summer. The things that will happen and the memories I will make will all have an impact on my life and who I am and will become. After all, life's more about the journey than the actual destination. :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”

Summer. It's a time when life gets a little easier, the temperature is warmer, and everyone seems a little nicer. In high school, summer meant sleeping in, going to the beach every week, going out for ice cream with friends, and bonfires. For most people, summers stay in this similar fashion once they begin college. Not for me. I chose to stay in the city for the summer instead of going home, and while it's not the same, it's just as good, if not better. In college, summer starts earlier. For me, summer means working at my school and doing a virtual internship. However, I get to do all this while also living in one of the greatest cities in the world, Boston. The trees are in bloom, the birds sing, and you can walk everywhere. There is so much to do and see. Summer has begin and I have brunched, attended Earth Fest, gone on many walks, and started my summer glow. Boston is a completely different place and much quieter in the summer, and I love it. While I don't go to the beach as much and it can get really hot, I wouldn't trade summers in the city for anything in the world. Let summer 2013 commence.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Live your life to the fullest potential.

Our generation is so filled with materialism and commercialism, that it’s hard to see what’s real. Money has become the all powerful tool and the only thing that seems to matter to people. We need to revert back to what’s real and what really matters. Friends, family, and happiness are far more important than Facebook, iPhones, and wealth.

So I’ve made a list for myself to make my life more positive, and I hope to inspire more people to do the same.

 1. Read. This seems to be a lost art in today’s world. I’m not saying you have to go out and read every classic novel or a book just because it’s on the New York Times Best Sellers; just read what you will enjoy. You’ll learn a lot and have an escape from the world. Reading gives your imagination a work out, as you will try to envision everything you read in your head.

2. Travel. This is one of the most important things to me, and something I always take the time and opportunities to do. Not only is it a vacation, but you get to see how other people live and experience another culture. I think it is best said by St. Augustine that “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” 

3. Find love. Now I’m not saying you have to go find your partner and settle down (I mean I can’t even do that right now), but just find love in life. Start with loving yourself. If you love yourself, than friends and a significant other loving you back will happen soon after. Also, love your friends. Find friends who love you back and don’t waste your time on those who don’t, life’s too short. Finally, when you do find that once in a lifetime love with someone, don’t let it go. Keep it and cherish it each day; appreciate what so many long to have.

4. Find meaning. Find something to live for, something you can be thankful for each day. Maybe it’s your family, your significant other, your children, your job, volunteering, or simply just the beauty in every day life. If you find something that has meaning and something to live for, you will never feel empty or alone.

5. Be less materialistic. Volunteer more. Go a day without technology. Remember that there is more to life than the materials that surround us, and that “the most important things in life aren’t things, they’re people.”

6. Be happy. This is the most important thing in life, and yet so many people can’t seem to achieve it. If you don’t like your life, change it. If you don’t like your job, quit it. Sure it may be tough at first, but at the end of the day your happiness is worth more than what’s in your wallet or how many people surround you.  Accept what you can’t change and appreciate what you have. Live your life for you and no one else. Lead a life that one day you can be look back on and be proud of all you’ve done. You are responsible for your own happiness. This is your life after all, live it how you want.

Another year over.

Finally a moment to breathe. This past week has been hectic with finals and wrapping up the end of the semester. It's crazy to think that I am now halfway done with college. It seems like just yesterday I was moving in and embarking on the next chapter on my life.

This past year has been an absolute whirlwind and I have had some of the best times of my life. I have made so many new friends and made so many memories it is unreal. To think how far I have come since arriving in Boston two years ago blows my mind. I have discovered who I truly am and grown so much. I have weeded the negative out of my life and focused on the positive. I have realized dreams and aspirations I never knew I had and experienced a city that I love.

As this year came to a close, it was an extremely bittersweet end. Last year I was excited for summer and my new HA job, and this year I have loved school and my friends so much that to see it end was very sad. I have grown so close to my two best friends this year and do not know how I ever lived without them, as cliche as it sounds. We always have a great time together whether we're going out or just spending hours procrastinating in my room. It was especially bittersweet because I am going abroad in the fall, so these were the last days guaranteed we will all be together and in the same place. I know we'll see each other a lot this summer and before I leave, but it's just so weird to go from seeing people almost every hour of every day to then going months and barely seeing them. I know it will all be worth it, it's just going to be different. It's so weird to think in just 4 months I'll be heading to Dublin. I love Boston so much and in high school all I ever wanted to do was go to college and be in the city, I never liked where I was. Now I love where I am and I'm sad to leave, even though where I'm heading will be just as a great and a whole new experience.

This summer is yet another change. Last summer when I started HA, I literally knew no one and spent the first week mostly to myself. I ended up making some of the greatest friends and having a fantastic summer, and it was unexpectedly great. Now this summer I know many of the people I am working with and I am already good friends with one of them. The two of us are so similar and I am really looking forward to all our adventures this summer. One of my other best friends of the two I was talking about is also coming later in the summer for a month, and I am very excited about that too. It's going to be so different this summer from last summer, but I know it will still be good. All this change is just different and outside the norm that I love, but it doesn't mean it won't be good. Change is really the only constant thing in life, and we have to enjoy every moment because life goes on and good things end, but better things often lie ahead. As this year comes to a close and summer and my journey to Ireland begins, I can only use one word to truly describe how I'm feeling, and I have never felt this word to be so relevant before, it's all just: bittersweet.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston strong.

What a week it's been for Boston. That sentence is an understatement. Never did I ever think I would experience the events I have in the past week as a college student in Boston. I have seen mourning, struggle, hope, fear, and finally celebration as the city went through a marathon of events following the Boston Marathon. I think what we've learned this week as a city, and as a country, is that no matter how much evil tries to hurt us, good always wins in the end. The city and the nation came together to bring justice to those who did wrong to our people, our city, and our country. This week has brought about heroes and stories that people will talk about for decades to come. Having experienced it all and living in the city, I want to recap my own personal experience of this past week.

Monday started as a normal day for me. I had to work at 10 am at my desk job monitoring a resident hall on campus. I was disappointed that I would not be able to go cheer on the marathon runners as I had done last year, but I figured there would be many marathons to come. Little did I know not being able to attend the marathon was a blessing in disguise. I sat at the desk doing my math homework when one of my friends came running into the building. He had gone down the street to get food when he saw police getting into peoples cars and racing downtown. We were unsure of exactly what was going on. Then another girl came in and was on the phone crying, saying there were bombs set off. We immediately turned on the TV and watched as the cheers for the marathon turned into the screams of thousands of people. The city went into rescue mode and everything changed. I sat at the desk as students came in; some were crying, others were scared, and most were unsure of how to react. Everyone was trying to make calls and the the lines were often busy because of the overload. Everyone sought to make sure people they knew were okay. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

As the day continued on, we watched the news and continued to hear the unraveling of the events. The initial report I remember was two dead, 22 injured. That grew to over 150 injured and three dead in the following hours. As I sat at dinner with my friends that night, we all became a little more grateful and contemplated who could do such a cruel thing. Living in the city and right down the street from three major hospitals, sirens were seemingly normal to me. But after the events at the marathon, they began to be all I could hear. That night a group of over 200 students at my school gathered on our quad to hold a vigil for the victims. It was one of the most moving things I have ever been a part of. To see our community come together during a time of such tragedy was a truly amazing thing.

The days that followed were difficult and surreal. From mourning, to confusion, to the visit from the President and First Lady, we felt every emotion. Our school and city tried to return back to normal, but the uneasy feeling that whoever did it was still out there was difficult to comprehend. As the days passed, it all began to sink in a little more and became more and more disgusting. The fact that someone would want to ruin such a joyful day in our city was heartbreaking.

On Thursday night, photos of the suspects surfaced on the internet and were all over my Facebook news feed. I only hoped someone could identify them soon and help the city to rest at ease. I was not feeling well that night and went to bed extremely early at 10. The next morning I woke up at 6:30 am to an alert from my school saying that classes had been cancelled. I then looked at my phone to see text messages and e mails, then flipped on the news to discover everything that had happened while I had been sleeping. The suspects were on the loose and had killed an MIT police officer and had a shootout with the police. The first suspect was dead by the time that I tuned in. I have never had to process so much information within an hour of waking up. My school was on lock down all that day, and everyone began to have cabin fever. We were afraid and antsy. We were unable to enjoy a beautiful day because the police had to chase down someone who had already ruined a beautiful day for us earlier that week. I took a break from watching the news all day to sit out on the quad with friends and remember to enjoy the simple things in life, because you never know what will happen.

Later that night, a friend and I returned to my room to hang out. We then invited our other friend over to watch a movie with us. Before she arrived, she texted me asking if I was watching the news. I turned it on quickly and found out they had apparently located the suspect and were attempting to get him out. As we watched in suspense for almost two hours, we could not help but erupt in joy when they confirmed that they indeed had captured suspect number two. I could hear other cheers down the hall from me and you could feel a sense of relief set in. My friends and I didn't know what to do with ourselves other than to run outside after being stuck indoors all day. The next thing we knew we were cheering in the streets for the police officers as they drove by. It eventually turned into a party in the streets when we turned a four lane road into a one lane parade. It was an amazing and unforgettable night when Boston and the entire country celebrated a victory.

The next day the celebration continued. I was fortunate enough to have a ticket to the Red Sox game on Saturday. When I bought the ticket for $10 from my school, I had no idea that the value of the game would far exceed that. While it took us a while to get in due to high security, we were able to get in just in time to see the amazing tribute to everyone who had helped and become heroes in the days prior. An amazing game was played, Neil Diamond himself came to sang Sweet Caroline, Big Papi was back, and the Sox won the game. This game was unforgettable for me and the city and was one of the happiest days of my life. After, I went to Newbury Street and the top of Boylston to see the memorial to the victims. Boyslton Street was still entirely blocked off and there were police and investigators everywhere. It was eerie to see Copley so empty and it served as the reality of the mystery that still needs to continue to be solved and the colossal damage caused to the city. As I saw the messages of hope and remembrance, I could not help but feel a sense of pride for my city and nation and how even though a tragedy occurred, it brought out more hope in humanity than ever before.

I cannot help but be so thankful to the BPD, first responders, EMT, SWAT team, FBI, the President, Mayor Menino, Gov. Deval Patrick, everyday citizens who ran to help, and everyone else who helped to restore peace to our city. This past week has been an emotional roller coaster and has made me realize how lucky we are to rarely have events like this happen in our country. I am grateful to our law enforcement and to the love and compassion seen in the country this past week. This week has taught me that my problems are always small and insignificant compared to the greater humanity of the world. I have learned to be tougher and stronger this week. I stand with my city and my country, and we stand together, Boston Strong.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Paris is always a good idea.

Paris, France. Fashion capital. City of love. Home to the Lourve. The Eiffel Tower. It seems that Paris has it all; fashion, love, food, and adventure. However, when I visited Paris, I was not as impressed as I thought I would be. What kind of snobby 14 year old would be unimpressed by Paris? Well, apparently that was me. Maybe it was because I had to cover the entire city in two days, packed with tours and lack luster prepaid lunches. Now as I look back, I think I missed the true beauty of Paris. I think Paris is so beautiful because it is so slow paced and pretty. Everything is delicate and detailed. I now dream of gooing back and taking in the sights, the smells, the fashions, and most importantly, the people. If Paris really is the city of love and lights, I was clearly doing it wrong last time. This new found love of Paris has inspired this blog post with a collage of Parisian things.


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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring trends.

Being on vacation this week, I have obviously done a lot of shopping. Spring is just around the corner and there are a lot of great trends I've seen in the stores for spring.

The first, is colored denim. This trend has been big for a few years now, but this spring, it's all about the brights and pastels.
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This mint is one of my favorites. Mint is a very hot color for spring and in a pant, you can pair it with other pastels, prints, or just a plain white shirt.

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Hot pink pants are a major do for spring also. They can be dressed up or down and will go well with a floral shirt or just a plain top.

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These yellow pants are great too, and will transition well into the summer. This outfit also brings us to my next big trend:

The chambray shirt. It's essentially a denim shirt, but much softer material and can be paired with a variety of outfits. It can be dressed up, dressed down, and paired with almost any color.
One of my favorite uses of the chambray shirt is paired casually with leggings and boots. You can really play with accessories here and it's great for casual Saturday shopping or just an afternoon in.

Another great use of the chambray is with white pants. This is a great summer night look and looks great with gold and opalescent accents.

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Finally, here's a great way to dress the shirt up. Paired with a maxi skirt, you can take this look easily from day to night and also be comfortable. 

The next trend I want to highlight that I have already slightly touched upon is pastels. A classic for spring with Easter, these colors will match the blooming flowers around you.
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Pastels offer many options. You can go bold with pants, or use subtle hints in nail polish or a purse.

Another spring trend that is always in: Prints. Especially florals. Florals are always a spring trend and are nothing new. To quote the Devil Wears Prada, "Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking." It's obviously nothing new, but always in style.
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I really like this Lauren Conrad floral dress. It is very subtle and in a great design.

Another good print for spring is polka dots. Always classy, and pairs well with everything.
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My final spring trend is brights. This is also nothing new for spring, but I am really liking colors like pink and coral.
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Coral is a really great transitory summer to spring color and it looks good on almost every skin tone.

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Hot pink pretty much goes for the same as coral: transitions well, great on all skin tones.

Old and new, these spring trends are bound to bring you to another level of fashion and a plethora of complements if paired well. Enjoy spring shopping!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I think that we, mainly as Americans, have created a society that is vastly built on looks. What you wear, how you look, how to do your hair, and whether or not you are attractive are seemingly valued more than what lies beneath. When it comes to relationships, almost all of them begin with an initial attraction based on looks. Why are we so driven by looks, when it's really who we are that defines us? A friend of mine recently made a comment and said "wouldn't it be cool if we were all just orbs or something? And that's how you decided who you liked, looks didn't matter." While my other friend called it "hippie talk, " I couldn't agree more with her. We are far too centralized around how a person looks and not how they act. You could find the most beautiful person in the world, but if there is nothing to talk to them about, then you can't form a solid relationship.

Unfortunately, people are always judging others and comparing themselves to them. We like to think that if an ex moves on, their new girlfriend is ugly. We think that if someone is really pretty, they must be a bitch. We often judge people, and even ourselves, on how we look faster than it take to say "hello."

As all young girls do, I have had my own personal struggles with my looks. I have always been a very confident person, but sometimes I think to myself, why can't I be as pretty as other girls? I then came to the conclusion that there will inevitably always be someone prettier, smarter, cooler, and nicer than you. What you have to do is stand out from the crowd in a way that looks can't do. You have to be confident and have a good personality, and the right people will fall in love with you based on the inside alone. Any exterior beauty becomes an added bonus. Once we accept ourselves for how we look, we no longer care what others think. As the quote below says, "Once you've accepted your flaws no one can use them against you." I honestly believe this, as if you have no problem with yourself, than it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. This is obviously easier said than done, but I truly believe it is possible, and comes even easier with age, when the inside truly counts more than the outside. I leave with the reminder that "The happiest girls are the prettiest girls." Your own happiness should come before anyone else's and be based on what makes YOU happy, not others.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Life is good.

It's hard to believe that less than a week ago I was on the verge of a mental breakdown because I thought I was going to bomb my math test, which I ended up getting a 91 on (either I underestimated myself or the studying worked.) Today, while I am exhausted, my spirits could not be higher. This past week has been a whirlwind of surprisingly good things. I got into my study abroad program, had an amazing weekend, did well on my math test, and tonight I met an alumni of my school that is doing everything I want to do. I think this week has taught me that while I get down sometimes, life is never as horrible as I imagine it to be. Sure, I may be a poor college student struggling to find out what I want to do with my life and dealing with the highs and lows of a college social life, but at the end of the day, I can truly say I am content with my life.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A sad excuse for a blog.

I'm so inconsistent at blogging. I really love to write and blog but I find myself not having the time. I think this is good though, because it shows I have things to do which hopefully means I actually have a life...

Anyways, for this blog post, I want to focus on being young. As a college student, everyone always tells me these are the best years of my life and that when these four short years are over and I have to enter the real world, I'll constantly wish I could go back. Last year I didn't believe it was true. But now I could not be a bigger proponent of it. College has been full of some of the craziest, most exciting, scariest, exhilarating, and best experiences of my life. I have been so exposed to so many different people and learned so much from those around me and been able to grow so much myself. I'm not even halfway done, and I am already dreading graduation. Although I won't hate not having homework and learning about science and other subject irrelevant to my future career.

But what made me ant to blog about this was this that I came across on Pinterest:

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It's too true, and the 20s are some of the best years of your life. When else can you stay out until 4 am and not have to worry about anything other than sleeping the next day?

As a new 20 something, I have become a firm believer that it is now more than ever to grab every opportunity you get in life. Make good choices, make mistakes, fall in love, get your heartbroken, waste your money; do it all now, because you may never be so free from responsibility ever again in your life. Now I'm not saying go crazy and do something that would get you arrested, but just remember that life is short and we should enjoy it while we can. :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The single life.

For once, I am not referring to my relationship status here. That could take up an entire blog. Instead, I am referring to my current roommate situation. My roommate recently moved out due to health problems, and I now officially have a single. After rearranging it to not look so dreary on her side, I am now all settled in to my single. After my friends left and I had a moment alone, it finally hit me. I'm really alone. Sure my friends are only a 10 second walk away, but it's weird to have so much space all to myself after sharing it with someone for so long. I think I will learn to like it a lot, it will just take some getting used to. I have always been very independent and have never had friends who truly cared what I was up to all the time, and for the first time in my life, I have that. I have never been surrounded by so many people so often as I have in college. I think having a single will allow me to get back in touch with myself and how I function when I'm alone. And in reality, people will probably be in here more than I want anyways, because my friends are the best. :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The World is a Beautiful Place

I told myself I would post yesterday, but life got busy. Anyways, I am now forcing myself to blog before going to bed tonight. For this blog, I want to focus on world travel. I have been very very very fortunate (I cannot stress that enough) to have visited almost 10 different countries over the past 10ish years. I have been to more places than my own father. This would probably lead you to believe I am either rich or frequently volunteer in foreign countries, but the truth of the matter is neither. The first time I went abroad I was a mere 11 years old and went to Rochester, England with my church choir to sing at the Rochester Cathedral in England. I think the fact that I was so fortunate to have this experience at such a young age began my lifelong 'wanderlust.' I am always researching and wishing I could just jump on a plane and travel the world. Unfortunately I do not have the money and some people think that's running from your problems so its not socially acceptable. But anyways, the next trip I took was my biggest to date. I went with a program called People to People Student Ambassadors to Europe the summer before my freshman year of high school. We went to Switzerland, Germany, France, The Netherlands, England, and Belgium over the course of three weeks. It was possibly one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I got to meet so may people and experience so many cultures. I saw places people twice my age have yet to see. I am forever grateful for the experience and wouldn't trade it for the world.

Now when you start high school after spending the summer in Europe, NH can seem pretty bland in comparison. I think this gave me a new outlook on life and allowed me to start to really define who I was. I became very independent and began setting goals of what I wanted in life. These goals and working for success were met even farther my junior year, when I paid for myself to go on a trip through my school to Italy. I saved every penny from birthdays, babysitting, and working my part time job at the local grocery store to spend a week in April traveling through Italy. And it was worth every penny. There's also nothing better than that knowing of self accomplishment that you paid for something and deserved it.

After my trip to Italy, I couldn't get enough of Europe. I am so fascinated with the food, the clothing, the people, landscapes, architecture, and social structures. Any time I feel down I immediately see how much it would cost to fly to a new country. It's a little weird, but it's me. Now it's been almost three years since I've been to Europe, and my plans begin again.

I am currently in the process of applying to spend a semester in Ireland next year. I could not be more ecstatic and excited about this amazing opportunity. I will get to spend MONTHS in Europe and live there and travel and live the life I have imagined. I highly encourage everyone in college to take the opportunity to go abroad if you get it. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you never truly understand yourself or where your from until you go somewhere else.

Anyways, I end this with some final words on travel. DO IT. Save for a big trip, or splurge on a weekend getaway with friends. The world is such a big place and there is so much to see and experience. Take any chance you can get and if you don't think you can, think again. Where there is a will, there is a way.

And now for an ending quote, one of my favorites on travel:

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." St.Augustine

Monday, February 4, 2013

Almost two months later...

I keep taking hiatus' from this blog. It's really a problem. Either it means my life is too busy and exciting to blog, or I'm too lazy. I'll leave that question up for argument. Anyways, I REALLY want to seriously commit to blogging this time. This semester I only have classes two days a week and since I turned down an internship opportunity, I want to consistently blog this semester. Not only will it help me clearly align my thoughts and things that I like, but it will also help to to have writing samples, should I decide to move into the PR world and need examples. Anyways, I want to post later tonight on my best finds on Pinterest of the week. I need to start with something simple, then build to bigger things. That will be posted later. If I have time.... I guess I am busy, question answered :)