Necessary for life, eaten by all, loved by many. Food has to power to bring people together, to fuel the body and soul, and to bring all of the senses together. This summer I have been doing a lot of cooking for myself, and I have to say, I've impressed myself. While I'm by no means making four course dinners, I do make a mean omelette and my homemade pizza isn't bad either. I've been trying to make things myself instead of buying them as a normally would, and decided that a fun summer treat to make would be popsicles. Popsicles are easy to make and a great dessert on a hot summer night.
I made watermelon popsicles in my first attempt. I've listed the recipe below, but you can always add or subtract what you like!
Watermelon popsicles.
What you need:
-popsicle mold
-watermelon-cut into small pieces
- sugar (about a teaspoon, add more or less as desired)
- water (a splash, or if you must measure, about a tablespoon)
Put all ingredients together in a blender. Blend until a smooth puree is formed. Pour into mold, filling up as high as possible. Let sit for at least 12 hours. Enjoy :)
The finished product! |
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