Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I think that we, mainly as Americans, have created a society that is vastly built on looks. What you wear, how you look, how to do your hair, and whether or not you are attractive are seemingly valued more than what lies beneath. When it comes to relationships, almost all of them begin with an initial attraction based on looks. Why are we so driven by looks, when it's really who we are that defines us? A friend of mine recently made a comment and said "wouldn't it be cool if we were all just orbs or something? And that's how you decided who you liked, looks didn't matter." While my other friend called it "hippie talk, " I couldn't agree more with her. We are far too centralized around how a person looks and not how they act. You could find the most beautiful person in the world, but if there is nothing to talk to them about, then you can't form a solid relationship.

Unfortunately, people are always judging others and comparing themselves to them. We like to think that if an ex moves on, their new girlfriend is ugly. We think that if someone is really pretty, they must be a bitch. We often judge people, and even ourselves, on how we look faster than it take to say "hello."

As all young girls do, I have had my own personal struggles with my looks. I have always been a very confident person, but sometimes I think to myself, why can't I be as pretty as other girls? I then came to the conclusion that there will inevitably always be someone prettier, smarter, cooler, and nicer than you. What you have to do is stand out from the crowd in a way that looks can't do. You have to be confident and have a good personality, and the right people will fall in love with you based on the inside alone. Any exterior beauty becomes an added bonus. Once we accept ourselves for how we look, we no longer care what others think. As the quote below says, "Once you've accepted your flaws no one can use them against you." I honestly believe this, as if you have no problem with yourself, than it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. This is obviously easier said than done, but I truly believe it is possible, and comes even easier with age, when the inside truly counts more than the outside. I leave with the reminder that "The happiest girls are the prettiest girls." Your own happiness should come before anyone else's and be based on what makes YOU happy, not others.

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