Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The single life.

For once, I am not referring to my relationship status here. That could take up an entire blog. Instead, I am referring to my current roommate situation. My roommate recently moved out due to health problems, and I now officially have a single. After rearranging it to not look so dreary on her side, I am now all settled in to my single. After my friends left and I had a moment alone, it finally hit me. I'm really alone. Sure my friends are only a 10 second walk away, but it's weird to have so much space all to myself after sharing it with someone for so long. I think I will learn to like it a lot, it will just take some getting used to. I have always been very independent and have never had friends who truly cared what I was up to all the time, and for the first time in my life, I have that. I have never been surrounded by so many people so often as I have in college. I think having a single will allow me to get back in touch with myself and how I function when I'm alone. And in reality, people will probably be in here more than I want anyways, because my friends are the best. :)

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